It's that time of the, er, month again as one of our loving female housemates turns into a screaching, wanton, sex starved hussy for a week or so. This time it's Toast (bottom of photo), and she's in heat really badly. Much to our surprise, not having any male company has not seemed to be an insurmountable (ahem) problem. Imagine my surprise, when I came home to see Ben, who is also a girl (seen here on top) trying to do her bit to try and help relieve the pressure. Like a car crash, you don't want to watch, but can't take your eyes away... I think I'm just impressed that she has somehow developed such a good technique. Unfortunately there is one thing missing, so Toast will continue to prowl around the apartment trying to get some lovin' for the next few days.
I am at the end of the first week in my new job, although am in the limbo familiar to many short term or contract workers, when you're awaiting the first pay cheque to come in one week in arrears. So I'm working 37 hours a week, but will remain penniless for another week. And I mean penniless... I could only afford to wash, not dry, my laundry last night, so the apartment is rather moist right now...
Which reminds me, I think I should check on Toast......
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