This is what an Englishman looks like...

1) Rue Boyer, just off avenue du Mont-Royal Est, looking all Christmas-card-ish.
2) Here's Ryan getting all happy because he's seeing what a little bit of snow can do to perk up the disposition of his English friend. And yes, for my distant English friends, that Esso station really is selling unleaded for 89.4c/litre ... about 44.2p... And Canadians think that's expensive. The truth is gonna hurt 'em...
3) Icicles forming on parked cars opposite our local supermarket (you ain't seen nothing yet, everyone assures me...)
4) Avenue du Mont-Royal, near to the apartment. Notice how the plastic signage for the Couche Tard (trans: 'Go to bed late') convenience store opposite has been designed to be enhanced with just a little bit of snow... :)
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