Good morning new year...

The end of 2005 was marked with a quiet meal in the apartment with Ulli and her new co-loc Melisse, a recent arrival from France. Like me, she's come here to find work, although she does speak quite a bit more French than me. Being French and everything...
Over a roast chicken we talked about languages. There's actually more in common between Melisse and me than I imagined at first. Despite French being her native tongue, she admits to the same difficulties in comprehending Québecers at parties or in bars that I do. We followed the meal with some extensive linguistic practice at a new year's party in the east end. Strangely, it was the watch of yours truly that was called upon to provide a symbolic countdown for the thirty or so people who were there. My wrist has never played such an important role at a party before...
Happy new year everyone.
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