Good morning new year...
A more relaxed open-door policy in the apartment has recently led to the exploration of my bedroom by the cats. The door stays closed at night while I'm sleeping, but in the morning there's usually a little me-ew and a scratch at the door. This morning I lay in bed and read, with various patches of the duvet being kept warm by Caca, Toast and Ben Z. Caca just likes the company and always joins me near the top of the bed. Toast likes to look out of the window and keep herself clean. And Ben... well Ben likes to meow a lot and then suckle of a bit of fabric. Hmm.
The end of 2005 was marked with a quiet meal in the apartment with Ulli and her new co-loc Melisse, a recent arrival from France. Like me, she's come here to find work, although she does speak quite a bit more French than me. Being French and everything...
Over a roast chicken we talked about languages. There's actually more in common between Melisse and me than I imagined at first. Despite French being her native tongue, she admits to the same difficulties in comprehending Québecers at parties or in bars that I do. We followed the meal with some extensive linguistic practice at a new year's party in the east end. Strangely, it was the watch of yours truly that was called upon to provide a symbolic countdown for the thirty or so people who were there. My wrist has never played such an important role at a party before...
Happy new year everyone.
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