Farewell to England...
There's no turning back now. On Sunday afternoon my plane bounced along the runway at Gatwick and hurled us skywards and towards Canada. My last sight on England was through pretty crappy cloud cover over the green fields of the Home Counties. A little while later County Donegal was my last glimpse of Ireland, slipping away beneath the wing to my right.
I arrived in Montréal on Sunday night. Having been here before made all the difference. Montréal may not feel like home, but it certainly doesn't feel foreign to me any more. Due to rather sad circumstances, I'm going to be apartment sitting for a few weeks, maybe months. However, it'll be a great way to set up in Montréal without having to go through the stresses of house hunting for a while. As well as practising my French, I am also touching up my cat loving skills - I have four house mates who need my love and attention from time to time...!
More news to follow!
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