Milk, sugar, and no second degree burns...
Regular readers will be delighted to hear that I made myself a cup of tea this morning, and was able to drink it without being interupted by a quick trip to the Emergency Room. Water was boiled in a water boiling device, and after the gas had been turned off, said boiling water was safely decanted from said water boiling device into a sturdy mug. Thanks to living with a unashamed Anglophile, I was even able to make my tea with a genuine Tetley tea bag. These series of events obviously brought me much satisfaction, having thought throughout much of the week that I am now incapable of making myself a hot beverage without severely burning myself. It seems that last Sunday's early morning incident was, however, a one off, and I am gaining re-gaining confidence with my kettle.
Various other events and situations have combined to make this a not particularly enjoyable week. I'm working, but have no money to show for it for another week or so. And while my leg is healing very rapidly, I still have to go to my neighbourhood clinic every two days for a change of dressings and to the hospital once a week for a three hour wait followed by a five minute check-up. So I'm feeling particularly unproductive at work and will have to go to my first review tomorrow after logging just twenty five hours of work last week.
But the future is calling. Three months today, I will leave Montréal to return to England. Where did those nine months go to? Last night we indulged in some poutine at the Mont-Royal Hot Dog Restaurant downstairs, and I recalled those frigid sub-zero nights when the same food had brought much needed warmth to my heavily insulated body. Now the winter coat is hanging up in the wardrobe gathering dust.
E-mails and phone calls are shuttling across the Atlantic as plans are made for a place to live in Sheffield. We have two interesting options shaping up, one of which I've been spying at from above with Google Earth. After almost two years living away from Sheffield, a sense of nostalgia and a hint of broodiness is coming over me. I know the next few months are going to fly by, so while I will make sure I enjoy the remaining weeks here in Canada, I can't help thinking about the future. Such broodiness manifests itself in some unusual hypothetical browsing of the internet, encouraged by the discovery of a remarkable number of blogs recording the progress being made on allotment gardens across Britain. Sheffield City Council maintains a large number of allotment sites, and I'm very tempted to commit to a productive form of exercise by investing in the remarkably low rent that allotments are leased for (less than £30 a year). Some of the most amusing and rewarding blogs I've found today is Plot Holes... I'm already encouraged to give it a go.
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